Tuesday, February 25, 2020

4 questions that need to be answered separately. in one paragraph each Assignment

4 questions that need to be answered separately. in one paragraph each - Assignment Example This argument works through a halo effect, which is a human cognitive bias. Today ad hominem exists as- Abusive, guilt of association, ad feminam, tu quoque and circumstantial just like utilitarianism (Blavatsky 1977 pg.77). One strategy of rebutting evidence is denying the truth in the data. This is the process where testimonies are presented to show or cast doubts in the sufficiency’s of given examples, this makes truth be denied in its own very eyes. Secondly, citing counterexamples and counter testimony also rebuts evidence, here contrary information is provided against the ones already there, and they appear to be true. Thirdly, credibility of authority should be questioned; through the principle of charity, opposing views are summarized to invoke credibility. Lastly, casting doubt on the representativeness and sufficiency of examples; this is applied incase examples are given since they may not be true hence should be interrogated well before accepting them (Blavatsky 1977 pg.197). An example of a categorical evaluation of an argument is A is a good B or A is not a good B. an example of an ethical evaluation of an argument is A is right or A is wrong. These examples explain how judgments will be supported arguments as being bad, good, or important/unimportant (Blavatsky 1977

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Internet Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Internet Security - Essay Example For this reason, there are those small business entrepreneurs that resort to online help provisions. IT has been considered that online help provisions are much practical, more informative and more up building for those who are still starting as novice online business operators. Within the discussion that follows, presenting the different readings that might be able to support the need to understand what network security is and how free online training could help in proceeding with its application shall be better presented herein. The world of online business networking is indeed a very much inviting new arena for business owners who have both large and small scale entities which are designed to particularly generate profit for better income returns. This is especially true for small scale businesses. This is the reason why there are many individual network business establishers who are best able to consider the different possibilities of earning through online connections. How is this particularly done Through the systems of online networking, business owners are able to maintain proper contact with their clients, their possible outsourced workers and their partners from the different parts of the world. Do not be misled, yes, the business scales considered herein are those that of the small ones. Small as they are though, functioning through the internet involves several considerations upon the capability of each element of the business to perform well for its success is essential. The book of Rick Segel (2006) on The essential online solution: the five step formula for small business success mentions of the five most important considerations that online business owners should give particular attention to. According to Segel, these five steps enable even small scale business operators to gain the best out of the online networking systems that are expected to further fuel small time profit organizations towards the success that they all deserve to have (43). This is further supported by Edward Firegold (2001) as he writes about the Internet Infrastructure: a blueprint for success, the ultimate guide to understanding and delivering open source system online. Through this analysis, Firegold tries to point out the importance of using a well enabled system that would be able to support the functions of modern networking operations when it comes to business deals and transactions made and verified online. He further notes that there are certain transactions over the internet that might cause a small scale business to fail in the process of getting its clients' loyalty and trust (65). To avoid this particular matter from happening, the utilization of a user-friendly online operating system is essential (112). Surely, through adapting to a well-adjustable online operating system, even small scale business operators would be able to manage their online resources effectively. Meanwhile, Susan Payton (2009) discussed safety on online marketing procedures as she writes about the Internet marketing for entrepreneurs: using web 2.0 strategies for success [the small business management collection]. In this writing, Payton intends to show small scale busin